Why Women Are More Prone to Osteoporosis Than Men

You rely on your bones for everything you do when it comes to physical movement, so dealing with conditions and illnesses that affect it is pretty common, including fractures, arthritis, sprains, tears, and osteoporosis.
The latter ailment is an illness whereby your bones become weaker and more prone to fractures and breaks. Several factors can contribute to your osteoporosis risk, but it is more common in women than men.
If you live in the Lake Mary, Florida, area and you’re struggling with the effects of osteoporosis, Dr. Christopher Quinsey and our medical team can help.
Let’s examine what this condition is, the links between hormones and bone health, and why women are more likely to deal with this condition than men.
Osteoporosis basics
Healthy bones are able to not just support your weight but absorb the impact of movements you make like running, jumping, and even falling. The 206 bones in the adult human body all consist of the same basic parts:
- The tough covering around the bone (periosteum)
- The hard smooth structural protection (compact bone)
- The spongy inner core where the marrow does its work (spongy bone)
Osteoporosis is a condition that lowers the density of bone, making bone more porous and fragile and lowering your ability to properly regrow bone after an injury. So if you have this illness and you fall, you’re more likely to suffer a bone fracture or break.
The link between hormones and bone health
Hormones affect how bones grow strong and keep your bones strong through early adulthood.
There’s a long list of hormones that help in various ways to supply minerals and monitor mineral blood levels, including:
- Parathyroid hormone (PTH)
- Calcitriol
- Cortisol
- Insulin
- Leptin
Sex hormones like estrogen and testosterone also help in remodeling bone and skeletal growth. Hormonal imbalances or reductions in hormones can affect the strength and density of bones.
Why women are more affected than men
Of the 10 million people with this bone condition, 80% are women. A few key reasons women are more prone to osteoporosis have to do with anatomy and menopause.
Female bones are generally smaller than men’s, and the reduction in hormones that takes place during menopause makes dealing with bone density issues like osteoporosis far more likely. Men lose hormones more slowly and over a longer period of time.
Menopause alone can lead to up to 20% of the loss in bone density, since postmenopausal women have significantly less estrogen (a hormone that helps maintain the strength of your bones).
We offer treatment options for this bone condition based on the severity of your bone density loss. Medication, hormone replacement therapy, diet, and exercise are among those options.
Regardless of your risk of osteoporosis, you can lead a normal and productive life while dealing with it.
If you’re ready to get osteoporosis under control, request an appointment with Dr. Quinsey and our team today to find the options that work for you.
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