5 Myths About Infertility You Shouldn't Buy Into

From the moment your body starts changing from puberty into adulthood, it is preparing for the possibility of childbirth. And when you reach a point that you’re ready to have children, problems like infertility can complicate things and reduce your chances of bringing new life into the world.
In America, 1 in 5 married women with no previous births (19%) are unable to have children after a year of trying, and 1 in 4 in the same group (26%) have problems bringing a child to full term.
If you live in Lake Mary, Florida and you’re struggling with infertility, OB/GYN Christopher Quinsey, MD, can help. Our team knows there are lots of myths circulating about infertility, and since so many women are struggling with it, we’re taking the time to give you the facts.
Let’s have a look at what infertility is and separate fact from fiction.
Understanding infertility
If you’re trying to conceive and cannot have a child within a year of having unprotected sex with your partner, you’re considered infertile, and infertility can happen for a number of different reasons.
This problem can result from issues like:
- Abnormalities in your uterus or cervix
- Damage or blockages in your fallopian tubes
- Pelvic adhesions
- Reproductive cancers
- Ovulation disorders
- Early menopause
Tobacco and alcohol use can also increase the risk of infertility, along with being overweight, underweight, or not exercising enough. And your chances of having children start to drop about your mid to late 30s.
Not being able to have children is the most obvious sign of infertility, but other issues may present themselves, like irregular or absent periods.
Infertility myths and facts
Here are some common myths about infertility:
Myth: You just need to relax
This is a common notion, that stress is somehow solely or largely responsible for keeping you from conceiving and that just relaxing can make it happen.
Fact: This is an oversimplification, chronic stress can certainly affect your chances of getting pregnant, but stress alone won’t affect whether you have a child.
Myth: Only your fertility is involved in infertility
This is based on the idea that women alone bear the responsibility of being fertile and that all men have to do is inseminate and their part is done.
Fact: Both sexes have their own set of problems that can affect having a baby. Most of the common issues for women are listed above, but men also have hormone problems and erectile dysfunction that can create issues with conception.
Myth: After having a child, you don’t need to worry about infertility
While having a child can certainly get you ready for many of the challenges of having another one, it isn’t a guarantee of success.
Fact: Secondary infertility is a condition that can happen if you’ve been pregnant before, and it can be the result of many of the same factors that people who haven’t had children deal with.
Myth: Your health doesn’t affect infertility
Bad health isn’t a complete barrier to having children, but it can directly affect you and your unborn child’s health.
Fact: Maintaining good health before and during conception is key to giving you the best chance of success, so keep a healthy weight, take multivitamins, and avoid alcohol and smoking.
Myth: Birth control can damage fertility
Because birth control is designed to prevent you from getting pregnant, you might think it will affect how easily you can conceive when you decide to have kids.
Fact: Because birth control affects your hormones, you need to wait until things are back to normal before trying to have a baby, meaning resuming a normal menstrual cycle. Once that happens, you should be fine.
Whatever the reason you’re struggling with trying to have a baby, we have options to help you realize your hopes of starting a family. If you’re ready to have a baby but are struggling with fertility, make an appointment with Dr. Quinsey and our team today.
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